My, It Has Gone Fast

A bit of an odd one. Appears to be a short note pasted to a trimmed illustration. Google image search tells me the illustration is "The Clown" by Georges Rouault, circa 1907. It's printed on thick paper, likely from an old art book.

The note reads:

Well today is the last day of the year.
My it has gone fast. I remember like yesterday writing the first page.

Found in "This Side of Paradise" by F. Scott Fitzgerald. Published by A.L. Burt, 1920.

-Click to enlarge photos-

1 comment:

  1. A poetric reference to the memory of experiencing the first day/event of the year--or maybe this is something the creator planned to paste into a creative journal whose pages corresponded to the first page of the year referenced.

    Interesting--kind of makes you wonder what that year contained...
