Annie Get Your Book

I haven't had an inscription on the site in a while, figured it was a fine way to start off the week:

Annie -

I hope this book is as inspirational for you as it has been for me. You are travelling an arduous road and I'm impressed by how courageous you are to pursue it. Your friendship has been something very important to and enlightening to me. You have helped me when you didn't even know it. And you've been a great listener. Bsudes, we've had lots of fun. Just remember that your choices open a world of opportunities. All  my love and good luck in every place you go to. Rilke says all of this better than I could. So read (???) and think of me (??) in NYC.


Found in "Letters to a Young Poet" by Rainer Maria Rilke. Published by Norton, 1993

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  1. so read 'him' and think of me 'toiling' in NY. :)

  2. I think it's "read him and think of me toiling in NYC."
