Is It True?

Birthday card. On the front:
Is it true?
This is your birthday?
This is the birthday wish
I hope
Will linger your
lifetime through
May the years move along
like a beautiful song
And all of your dreams come true
I thought that was it, but then I noticed the "A Complete Song Inside." Sure enough:

Found in "A Child is Born" by Charles Harrison. Published by Jonathan Cape, 1931.

-Click to enlarge photos-


  1. Oh, what a fun combination of items! I can't quite read the music, but it looks like the words from the card could be tweaked into the melody of the chorus...I can see this person standing up at the mike for a birthday bash, singing the card-lyrics version of the song with much mugging and overacting, and maybe reading a bit they'd chosen from the book while all the birthday girl's classmates and friends laughed and teased at her.

  2. The warning on the music is rather stern - but it also makes me think of complaints about recent patents ( "how could they patent the idea of using part of a song in a greeting card?" vs "how could they patent the idea of playing songs on a computer?")
