Man On The Moon

Today's guest bookmarks come from Kate McKean, who was kind enough to share some of her finds:

The Bible is from a used book in London, purchased in about 1999. The text on the inside cover says (sideways) "Man will reach the moon before 1980. D Gray 22/7/54."

And then on the other side: "If seeds in the black earth, turn into such lovely roses, what might the heart of man become, in it's long journey to the stars. H.G. Wells."

"David Gray, 197, Longwood Gdns [?Oxford] [??]"

The second is a volume of Shakespeare, complete with dried four leaf clovers:

-Click to enlarge photos-


  1. So apparently that Bible was owned by a science fiction geek!

  2. That address says "Ilford, Essex".

  3. Yeah D Gray! Nice prediction! It indeed came true. Although I wonder how obvious that would have been in 1954. Interesting that he choose a Bible to inscribe his prediction. With all the prophets of the Bible, did he want to give more authority to his prediction by putting his claim next to the Biblical prophets?
