Not So Secret

Baseball card, 2001 Topps #45, Charles Johnson.

Found in "The End of Faith" by Sam Harris. Published by Norton, 2004.

ED: Funny story, I was getting ready to wrap this book up to ship to someone as part of a Secret Santa swap. I'll stick the card back in the book, and post the URL so they can find it later.

-Click to enlarge photos-


  1. Although some of these talk for themselves (the combination of bookmark and the book they were found in), I prefer YOUR take on them because it is often humorous.

    And since you deal in old books... I'm looking for a copy of a J. R. R. Tolkien book, "Leaf By Niggle", probably mated with his lecture series called "Tree and Leaf". I keep giving them away to artists, but they're becoming harder and harder to find.

  2. You're right, there aren't many around, and most are in the UK. Here's on from a bookstore in Canada:
