Home Sweet Home

Cross-stitch bookmark. (It's cross-stitch, right?)

Home Sweet Home

Found in "Texas" by James Michener. Published by Random House, 1985.
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  1. No it's not cross stitch, it is an unfinished needlepoint project. x-stitch is exactly that - x's are used to make the design. Needlepoint fills in the entire backing material while x-stitch is usually used for border decorations or monograms - things like that. Definitions can be found HERE

  2. Thanks, Grace. I know next to nothing about this kind of thing. I can knit, though so I got that going for me.

  3. It's made on perforated paper. I don't think it's unfinished; when perforated paper was used, the background usually wasn't filled in. There's an example here:



  4. Personally, I don't care which it is...I LOVE IT!

    x0xx Amy

  5. Any guess to how old it is? The style and the use of perf paper can be over 100 years old, but it looks in good condition.

  6. Not a clue, Kate. If you said it was from 1900 I wouldn't argue. My guess is that it is a few decades old, judging by the fading and wear, but I am no expert.
