Found in "Das Kapital" by Karl Marx. Published by Gateway, 1961.
Anyone know what kind of car that is?
-Click to enlarge photos-
Dear Helene -
I hope you will enjoy reading this book as much as I did - not that we follow quite the same route this man did but there are a number of things that were familiar -
Much love to you
(The Bird in Hand) -- is worth two in the bush. Some bird!!
Hazel & Jim (??)
Hi Mike
• Sealing the gutter trouble spots
• If painter is not coming, bank dirt high up wall, do all you can to divert water. There is perforated pipe under deck. Put them under the dirt first. No floods this year!
• Painting the back room.
Se tanto, que a veces creo que no se nada.
I know so much so, much but, sometimes, I guess that I don't know nothing.Boldstrength bold caution + ?? / amusement
You're very, very wide.
Pass It On
Have you a kindness shown?
Pass it on;
'Twas not given to you alone,
Pass it on.
Let it travel down the years,
Let it wipe another's tears,
Till in heaven the deed appears -
Pass it on.
Have you found the heavenly light?
Pass it on;
Souls are groping in the night,
Daylight gone.
Hold thy lighted lamp on high,
Be a star in some one's sky,
He may live who else would else would die, -
Pass it on.
-Henry Burton
Dear George,
Thank you very much for your abundant mail- two letters and one postcard!! Sorry I could not reply sooner, this is the first quiet day with time to write letters. Well, it seems that HENRY'S BIRTHDAY was the outstanding big event of the season. I never knew that preparing devilled eggs could hold so much drama! Anyway, although I do not have the pleasure of knowing Henry, as an expert in birthdays, 95 versus 70, I wish him a Very Happy Birthday, and many happy returns. You have been so involved in devilled eggs and other birthday-related events, did you even notice that there were other things going on in the world?: A republican convention, designed to make us appreciate and sadly miss eight years of Clinton soap operas. What do Americans expect of their president anyway? Statesmanship? What an old-fashioned idea. Only an 95 year old woman could have such notions. Which brings me to the fact that yours truly also celebrated a birthday in July, a 95th. My family pulled out all the stops to make it a real big occasion. They were all here, grandsons, grand-daughter, son, daughter, in-laws. It lasted five days and I survived it with flying colors without getting another heart-attack. Now Niall is back in Berkeley, Michael has just started a new job for one year: A leadership training course with an organization called The Green Corps. Julia will be here in Binghamton where she has been accepted in a community service job.
To-morrow Suzanne and I will go to Ithaca to visit a Friend's Retirement Home. Not for the duration as far as I am concerned, but for 2 months, November and February when Suzanne will be in Europe with Ross, who is taking a full year's sabbatical. There are retirement homes here in Binghamton, but I am sure to find more interesting people in a place that caters mostly to retired Cornell faculty and their friends. If plans work out it would mean that I will miss the second half of your Studs Turkel reading. We'll know more to-morrow after our visit. I certainly will keep you au courant. I see from the Lyceum program that "Great Decisions" are being discontinued. It is about time. Probably Haessler did not want to do it anymore. I am getting tired and have to close for to-day.
Regards to Kit, love, Greta
Here's Where I fell Asleep
Mrs. M. Beckwith,
Garrison NY
Dear Madam-
Replying to your letter of the 23rd ult., we quote you on six No. 730 chairs, a price of $7.50 each, freight prepaid to your address, and trust we may have your order.
Yours truly,
Kalamazoo Sled Co.
Here's the best thing I ever found in a book: an ad, dated ca. 1893, for "Tundum - The Wonder of the Age," an anaesthetic for tooth extractions. I found it in a trove of old books that came to my father (later to me) after the death of a relative in central Georgia. Most of the books are glorifications of the Confederacy like Thomas Nelson Page, _Two Little Confederates_ (New York: Scribners: 1905)--pretty distasteful stuff. But I think I probably found it in a torn up and fragmentary copy of Andrews' Latin Dictionary. Since I was so amused by it my parents had it framed; and that explains the discoloration.
I used to think that the substance was probably cocaine, but I understand that cocaine was injected when used in dentistry. Thomas D. Luke, Anaesthesia in Dental Surgery, 2nd ed. (1906) reports that certain volatile compounds were applied directly to the gums as a "refrigerating agent."Thanks Peter.
31st Annual New York City High School Poetry ContestPasted in is a newspaper article about the contest.
May 1962
Fourth Prize - Peggy S???
Louis R ???? Chairman