Found in "Operation Venus" by John Russel Fearn. Published by Scion Limited, no date (1950s or therabouts).
Small note card, 2 1/2 inches by 2 inches.
Merry Christmas to Jean
From MomWith love and a fond memory of a day past.
Found in "The Dark is Rising" by Susan Cooper. Published by Collier Books, 1986.
Postcard, dated September 1912:
Miss Ethelwyn Doolittle
420 W 118th St
New York N.Y.
Welcome back to New York, the incomparable!
Found in "Jersey Street and Jersey Lane" by H.C. Bunner. Published by Charles Scribner's Sons, 1896.
Approach people w/
happy curiosity, it will
disarm them.
-concentrate on what
you like about others.
-Don't judge
don't worry about others
& what they're doing.
-be an individual
-you shouldn't need
anyone, enjoy being by
Don't analyze what
they're saying. if they
can't say, it's not
worth dealing with.
To Miss Flavia L. Stern From Miss Cora Hornadue Sep 5 - 1928.Written on the front endpaper of "Maria Chapdelaine" by Louis Hemon. Published by Grossett and Dunlap, 1927.
This book was brought to me by Miss Hornadue when she and Carl came up after he was in the hospital for the removal of his tonsills.
They and Pop and I went up to Saratoga Springs on the Sat after Sep 8 - 1928, and Sun we went down to Hilda, I stayed till the following Friday, when I came to Rockland spent the weekend at B.J. Fullers and attended the Seventh Fuller reunion at the home of Joseph Westfall at Shandalee Lake, also a business meeting at Cooks Falls Sep 16 - 1928
This time I collapsed comments so all entries contained the same amount of lines.
Here are the results:
and then...
which means...
Brandy, you're this week's winner. I'll email you after this posts.
As a special bonus prize, I won't sing the song. Won't even mention it.
Thanks to all who entered, check back later this week for more free books.
Elect skillet brown
fat side down on all sides
brown. Cover Tequilla lemon
or Tuscany (Knorr) sauce
15 (?) per lb after turning it to
I'm thrilled to see Forgotten Bookmarks showing up in so many places. A sample:
James Frey's blog
Casual Optimist
The Genealogue
Snopes and Bookcrossing forums
and many, many more... can't tell you what it means to see so many people enjoying the site.
Don't want to just toot my horn here, so here's a submission from FB friend Jan Markley. I recently posted her find 'Open Toed Shoes.' Here's what she sends along:
Bringing Pagans togeather (sic) since 2001
These are the bookmarks I left in my friend Amber's copy of Death Masks by Jim Butcher when I returned it to her. Upon a recent visit to a hospital to visit a relative I went across the street to have a hamburger at the Wendy's restaurant chain where I proceeded to infiltrate a meeting of local Pagans (aka wiccans, wizards, witches, werewolves - well, maybe not the last one). How did I know they were Pagans? Three guys were sitting at a table with a sign that said: "Pagan meeting here." So being a writer, anthropologist, and incredibly curious person who now talks to strangers, I couldn't pass up the opportunity. Upon closer observation I noticed that each one wore a pentagram necklace. So I crashed their meeting (me: so you're like a bunch of Pagans eh?!) and I asked if I could join them.
So the bookmarks left in her book included a business card from Logan Stardust, Organizer - Bringing Pagans togeather (sic) since 2001, a hospital visitor infomation card, which on one side I scribbled down the names of the fantasy books the Pagan's recommended to me, and on the other side is a fundraising ad for the hospital foundation.
The Pagans nearly mugged me out for my friend's copy of Death Masks by Jim Butcher.
10 P.M. Dr. came to Hazel
Pennicillin for virus +
Codeine for pain in back.
I saw Ralph in hall.
Chocolate Krisp Kringles
1/3 cup butter
2/3 cup choc. chips
take off heat
stir in:
1/2 cup sugar
beat in:
1 egg
1/2 cup flour
put in pan - cover with chips + 1/3 cup nuts.
Bake at 400° - 12 minutes