Found in "Death Be Not Proud" by John Gunther. Published by Scholastic, 1994.
ED: Is it just me, or does this kid look like he's getting eaten by Cookie Monster?

J.L. reports in that the books have settled in nicely.
Dear George,Found in a well-worn copy of "A Calendar of Dinners in 615 Recipes - Including the Story of Crisco" by Marion Harris Neil. Published by Proctor and Gamble, 1914 (8th edition).
Fellows like this one n the other side have become rare in Texas. Mrs. R- & Louise are wintering in Arizona; so I am pastoring all by my lonesome. Wish that you were here to cook some good Alligator steak for me. Hope that you folk are well. Be a good boy and meet us and your mother in Heaven.
H.S. Rinehart
Dear Cousin George,Found in "The Farm and the Fireside; or The Romance of Agriculture" by the Rev. John L. Blake. Published by Kerr, Doughty and Lapham, 1853.
I have shiped(sp) the goods for Victor(?) and have received a bill for them by the N.Y.C.R.R. Co. to be forward without delay you will receive them by Tuesday next. The old bill was returned to me which I will forward to you + willbenot be any account to you the cartage was 50¢ which I paid they are 6 boxes and one chest the freight down will be $3.60 as stated in the new bill.
Mother and Father are as well as usual I hope that all of your folks are well. I remain your affectionate cousin
Wm J Sidway
"On Father's Day - For My Husband"
As a husband and a father
You are all that you should be
And my heart keeps on repeating,
"Dear, you're everything to me!"
Found in "Out of the NIght" by Rida Johnson Young. Published by Jacobsen, 1925.
Readers - any guesses? What do you think they might be tallying? (Don't say bananas)
Easter bookmark from Midvale Gospel Church, Midvale New Jersey.
Found in "The Portable Coleridge" edited by I.A. Richards. Published by Viking, 1950.
Found in "Juliette" by the Marquis de Sade. Published by Grove Press, 1968.
1 cup sugar
1 cup flour
3(?) eggs
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 " " vanilla
1 " " baking powder
2 cups diced apples
1/2 cup chopped nuts
8" pan greased
350 degrees 40-45 mins
Mix sugar unsifted flour and unbeaten (?) eggs. Add b.p. (?) zest(?) cinnamon and vanilla. Mix well. Fold in apples and nuts and pour into pan.
All the best
Found in "The Private Soldier Under Washington" by Charles K. Bolton. Published by Corner House, 1997.
Update: Someone asked, so you can buy the book here.
If you ever see a book you want, let me know. I don't put a sales link because the blog is about the stuff more than the books. You know what I'm saying.
Does it really say "Mar2c's Bowling" or am I stupid? Perhaps both.
Found in "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton. Published by Scribners, 1948.
Perhaps more interesting than the forgotten bookmark is the phrase written on the edge of the book:
Photograph of railroad engine in black and white.
Written on back:
New engineFound in "Blood on the Stars" by Brett Halliday. Publishing by Dell, 1948.
first trip on L.V.R.R.