Handwritten recipe for zucchini appetizers.
Found in "Chatterbox Book of Pictures" published by Dana Estes and Co., 1909.
Found in "Chatterbox Book of Pictures" published by Dana Estes and Co., 1909.
Ancient Secrets of the Fountain of YouthPeter KelderMy Pituitary Gland Produces only the Life Hormone" Body now has all 12 strands of DNA
If you haven't read the newest post, I'll be giving all three of these items away tomorrow morning - just leave a comment in this post and you are entered.
Halloween at boybarWednesday 31 Oct.DANCING 9PM
Love is... ...being there when she needs you.
Found in "The African Queen" by C.S. Forester. Published by The Modern Library, 1940.SalutationTo Benj. F. JohnsonThe Old ManLo! steadfast and serene,In patient pause betweenThe seen and the unseen,What gentle zephyrs fanYou silken silver hair, -And what diviner airBreathes round you like a prayer,Old Man?Can you, in nearer viewOl Glory, pierce the blueOf happy Heaven through;And, listening mutely, canYour sense, dull to us,Hear Angel - voices thus,In chrous glorious - Old Man?In your reposeful gazeThe dusk of Autumn daysIs blent with April haze,As when of old beganThe bursting of the budOf rosy babyhood -When all the world was good,Old Man.
Best wishes for the happiest birthday of all.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson