Social interaction gives
professional connections
Giving up something I
enjoy will work only
if its my idea.
I will get a chance
to change my mind
Be strong don't rush to
May have wrong info
check again
talk with people who
should be more enthusiastic
Emotional connections is all
Even if I do nothing it works
straight truth this pm, out
DoloresNeu Newman --> Newman
Sues? ????? lives at AngelHeighthes Heights
Found in "Nana" by Emile Zola, published by
Social interaction gives
professional connections
Giving up something I
enjoy will work only
if its my idea.
I will get a chance
to change my mind
Be strong don't rush to
May have wrong info
check again
talk with people who
should be more enthusiastic
Emotional connections is all
Even if I do nothing it works
straight truth this pm, out
Sues? ????? lives at Angel
Found in "Nana" by Emile Zola, published by
Sue's friend lives in Angel Heights