Advertising card, 9 inches by 4 inches.
Dr. Sheldon's SanitariumFound in "A New Pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English Languages" by Mariano Velazquez De La Cadena, published by D. Appleton & Co., 1906
Established July 1st 1910
Springboro PA
Positively Cures
All Liquor and Drug Addictions
Morphine Habit and all Addictions to Opium
Derivatives, Cocaine, Chloral, Tobacco
and Cigarette Habits
Our location (Springboro PA) is ideal for an institution of this character. It is a beautiful resort with numerous attractions and natural advantages, among which is a picturesque lake which affords boating, bathing, fishing, and skating, and the water from ther famous Springboro Mineral Springs is acknowledged by all to be equaled by few and excelled by none as an all-around medicinal drinking water
The Best Equipped and Best Conducted Institution of its Kind in the Country
Write for Rates and further information to DR. SHELDON'S SANITARIUM, SPRINGBORO, PA
Both Phones - Western Union Telegraph - Lock Box 121
I want this one!!
ReplyDeleteyou should it to me, as a present. for what, I am not sure.
Anyone know what "Both phones" means?
ReplyDeleteThere were probably two phone companies operating at the time--without connection to each other. It seems improbable but I know it was true many places.
ReplyDeleteI collect vintage soap boxes. I have one from the Pan-American Expo 1901 (N.Y.)(engraved souvenir), also engraved Dr. W. J. Sheldon, Springboro, Pa. I wonder if there's a connection?!