Note written on a folded piece of seven inch by nine inch paper.
April 10 1906
Dear Mother Conklin,
I rec. the dress all right Saturday and have the skirt all finished it looks nice.
How are you now I was afraid you were sick I didn't (??) hear from you. I don't feel very good my self.
Lerrie (?) keeps well, all the children down to Fred's are half sick with colds Grace can't hardly talk. She seemes to get things much harder than the rest.
It keeps so cold I will be glade when warm wether comes.
Well good bye for now love from both to all
Found in "The Practical Home Physician" by Henry M Lyman, Christian Fenger, H. Webster Jones and W.T. Belfield. Published by Star Publishing Co, Chicago, 1891.
i winder if it was the flu pandemic