Found in "Winston's Cumulative Loose-Leaf Encyclopedia Volume II - Bay Of - Chalcis" edited by Thomas Finegan. Published by Winston Co., 1926.
Sept. 15thFound in "The District Doctor and Other Stories" by Ivan Turgenev. Published by A.S. Barnes, 1960.
Dear Jay:
We always enjoy hearing from you but it is such a sad state of things, that you haven't been able to get your rightful claim acknowledged. I guess all we can steadfastly know if that Right is Might and will prevail. A friend of ours has suggested that you write to Robert Kennedy.
Had a note from Mrs. Platt yesterday. She is not married as yet and may wait until January when she is due to retire. Alan has a new job and has moved to Boca Raton which is not too far from where his mother lives. Dave and his wife still live up in N.Y. but bought a place in Maine and he is not making custom furniture.
Janice is going up north to her Association so no doubt she will meet your Mom there.
The Jr. Onderdonks just returned from a trip to Florida and N.Y. They visited Pat's mom in Florida and then drove up to Bedford. They visited the Onderdonks and then drove up to Boston where they stayed with Janet and all attended the Biennial meeting at The Mother Church. Seven kids from this area went too.
On the way back they dropped Ricky off at Pri?cipia where is now a sophomore.
We all keep busy as can be in this shop and Pappy Green is a haaaard taskmaster.
He talks of talking a cruise this winter to the Pacific and ending up in Australia but so far it is only in the mental stage but it all sounds very alluring.
Schools here opened on the 7th so Nancy is now down to one little boy and he is in nursery school three mornings a week so she and I can get some book work done.
Hope you and your Mom are fine. Do let us hear more news of you when you can
Mammy Greene
Those who bring
To the lives of others,
Cannot Keep it
from themselves.
Sir Walter Barrymore
Oneonta High School
Oneonta New York
This Certifies That
Rose Marie Boschetti
has completed the High School Course of Study prescribed by the Board of Education and is awarded this
Given in the City of Oneonta, in the State of New York,
June 26, 1961.
Charles A. Belden, Principal
Adolphe A, Myrus, President, Board of Education
Harold V. Hager, Superintendent of Schools
Hi Patrick -
The 2nd part of your birthday present. First printing - just came out. I hope you enjoy it. I'm thinking of looking into the NJ edition.
Hope ??? and Keira are fine. And, of course, hugs for ???? Belle.
Love you,
"Baptised Me March 17Written on back:
1862 in First Baptist Church
Peekskill New York"
Pastor of the first Baptist ChurchFound in "The Holy Bible, Containing the New and Old Testaments" published by George Eyre and William Spottiswoode, London, 1869.
Peekskill NY 1860-65.
Baptised me March 17, 1864.