Letter on standard-sized paper.
Written on front:
October 30,2001
Dear Neighbor,
We were writing to let you know that we're going to be having a party on Saturday night. There is going to be a band but they will be done playing by 11:00 pm because of the noise ordinance. We wanted you to know so that you expected some noise.
Also, Kathy told us tat we (the 3 houses) are responsible for Snow removal. Since you've lived there longer, & let's face it, are probably a lot easier to get along with than Joe, we thought we'd ask you about it, Kathy also mentioned that you had an odd work schedule so that's why we're writing instead of disturbing your sleep.
If you oculd maybe give us a call, we can discuss the plowing.
433-XXXX Thanx - Jamie & Maria
On reverse:
From Your Neghbors - Jamie & Maria
Found in"The Experiment" by John Darnton. Published by Dutton, 1999.
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