Milford Center, N.Y
Nov. 24, 1898
Mrs. Taylor
Dear Friend -
I want to thank you for the box of lovely flowers that you sent us at the time of the death of our little Ms. Helen Mae. How we miss her no one knows, inless they have passed through the same, but we know she is a little angel in Heaven where there will be no more suffering.
We will send you a photo of the flowers. (- ed. not included)
Mrs. E.S. Thorn
Found in a copy of "Good Food With a Blender" by Ann Seranne
Nov. 24, 1898
Mrs. Taylor
Dear Friend -
I want to thank you for the box of lovely flowers that you sent us at the time of the death of our little Ms. Helen Mae. How we miss her no one knows, inless they have passed through the same, but we know she is a little angel in Heaven where there will be no more suffering.
We will send you a photo of the flowers. (- ed. not included)
Mrs. E.S. Thorn
Found in a copy of "Good Food With a Blender" by Ann Seranne