Dear Mom
Well, I'm sorry I haven't written before the but you know how it is just can't stand to write letter.
This (?) place down here is a real zoo you wouldn't believe it. I've been going down to washington D.C. a lot. Not much to do anywhere around here.anymore I'm going to try to home for a week in august. Don't when for sure --- yet but will let you know. I'll try to get down for a few days.
You probably heard that Jane (?) had a baby girl. It was tiny (?) but I guess it will be O.K. and all.
Have you heard anything about my driver's license? I had them change the address for down there. If it came in please send it to me cause I need it. If it hasn't come in would you see if you can get me a temporary license or find out what happened to it. I put in the stub from the money order I usedmy maybe that will help. I sure would hate to have to take a road test again. couldn't pass it if I tried.
Well thats about all the news from down here not much more to say
When Lance Lord was in Army 196?
Found in 'The Young (Jung) Families of the Mohawk Valley" 1947
Well, I'm sorry I haven't written before the but you know how it is just can't stand to write letter.
This (?) place down here is a real zoo you wouldn't believe it. I've been going down to washington D.C. a lot. Not much to do anywhere around here.
You probably heard that Jane (?) had a baby girl. It was tiny (?) but I guess it will be O.K. and all.
Have you heard anything about my driver's license? I had them change the address for down there. If it came in please send it to me cause I need it. If it hasn't come in would you see if you can get me a temporary license or find out what happened to it. I put in the stub from the money order I used
Well thats about all the news from down here not much more to say
When Lance Lord was in Army 196?
Found in 'The Young (Jung) Families of the Mohawk Valley" 1947